Thursday, August 27, 2009

Does America need employed Americans or more cheap "genius" workers from abroad?

The arguments made over the years for the existence of numerous 'genius' level workers in foreign lands is not without merit; just the population numbers alone make that a certainly. Finding them on our US playing field 20 years ago was quite easy, however, curiously, once Clinton passed the American Competitiveness Act, in 1998, they were few and far between. At that stage we were getting just your average worker, and less, American workers were being forced to train non-immigrant temporary workers that were carrying resumes that were complete frauds. (This was proven and amazingly on the news at one point, but quickly faded away never to be seen.) You see India, for example, until 15 or 20 years ago, was using predominantly manual systems and had few locations for their programmers to get the experience shown on their resumes; so the experience was cooked up.

How did America get into the software leader spot to begin with if we were so empowered by the 'genius' workers from abroad? It's because this was not only about cheaper labor, but also docile labor that could be pushed into giving up their weekends as well, where American workers frequently demanded time with their families and were accustomed to getting their unpaid weekends off.

If they were so important to "American Competitiveness" then why have we tanked with the huge increase in 1998? We've thrown the baby out with the bath water by displacing our corporations best customers: American workers.

The talking heads on TV and said "they'd create more American jobs in other areas due to their being so smart", but the facts do not support the premise as in 1998 we were flooded with Indian and Chinese workers. Notice in ten years all that happened is our economy has tanked? That was clearly propaganda to keep the American masses from going ballistic and the congress from backing down to the increase.

Americans had to train them and even the smart ones, for some strange reason, could not see the simple and elegant solutions that often existed. At Pacific Bell many projects of Indian teams had to pair down their requirements and were late with their deadlines on even relatively simple projects.

The bigger issue is that the huge majority of financial programming jobs, genius level programming is not required, the past experience with the applications is what of value; in other words the information American programmers are teaching to their 'competition', American corporations would have you believe the fact they're cheaper is merely coincidental. Furthermore, American workers, frequently beat even theses so-called "genius workers" in the creativity department hands down. They were not even close and this came as a surprised, until I sat down to think about it; their cultures are regimented into following ours is one of independence and freedom. (The Japanese and Chinese too have this limitation, but my experience was more with Indian nationals.)

Also, while all of them were outwardly nice, inwardly many did not like America; in fact they had a contempt for America that made me very uncomfortable and wonder if they'd be taking back our technology in the areas where genius level work was important and giving it to or creating our next competitors. (In fact I knew this was going to be a problem and more so with the Chinese market where the scandal reared it's ugly head in several areas; one was with a direct electronic interface with NASA giving the Chinese direct access to NASA contractors data.)  What was strange was this was reported and the programmer reported that nothing was done to the consultant. This was reported by the same programmer that reported the vote rigging software he was contracted to write that would flip the vote to a designated winner. While this too never made the evening news, the court testimony was on Youtube that the consulting company for whom he worked also directed highly sensitive NASA and anti-tank data to China and reportedly did not even get any jail time. (Fast forward to 9:40 for testimony on sending information to Communist China.)
A huge question is why the man that was sending NASA contractors data to China did not get any jail time and was fined $100.

The best arguments made in public for globalism are a lie and it's value to corps is in the very unlevel paying field that exists in the host countries like India, and China. Mexico too, for example, had a system that was working very well for the country, but by the time NAFTA was well underway their workers were laid off from the competition of the American genius workers forced north to survive. There was no way they could compete with the American agribusiness and many workers from other industries as well were losing workers to American companies that are now struggling from their having no customers due to their being replaved by 'genius', cheap actually, workers from third world countries.

Now suddenly, and exactly as planned by the banksters, the too are out of work and will have little money to add to their economy leaving all these genius filled companies without paying customers having to make cuts. Naturally, those cut were the America workers that demand time to spend with their families on the weekends for which they're not getting paid anyway. The foreign workers are willing to work 6 or 7 days a week, EVERY WEEK, and this to me was hard to complete with as I required time with my kids. They felt lucky to be here getting 5-10x their normal wage and will take home their 'winnings' and retire comfortably. I would do the same thing if I were them, but they will also take code and techniques back and create competitive companies against which future Americans will have to compete and with a full company of cheaper genius workers having made improvements to their software.

It worries me that this was done in Rome as well and it is what caused the economy to fail. When this is added to the known agenda to merge Canada/Mexico and the USA makes you wonder if this is being used for this very purpose. Especially with the banksters using the trillions of dollars, IN THE DARK, to deflate the currency in time for what? (Amero perhaps?)

I love the culture of freedoms created by the American experiment, although the ends did not always justify the means. If only our people would wake up to the bigger picture of the huge risk of losing American sovereignty in the name of corporate profits that are now in the rather single minded drivers seat of America. At the same time I hope we have the chance to correct our mistakes as well as we certainly have made our fair share.

What's hard to understand is how corporate America is already seeing the effects of unemployed workers and yet not moving to keep their American workers / customers employed.

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