Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To Catch a Terrorist

In these days of an ever dwindling American Constitution there would be a very easy method of catching all the terrorists and corrupt officials of every type and it would only take a temporary suspension of one constitutional right to not incriminate yourself until they were rooted out.

Then give every person suspected of being a terrorist a Brain Fingerprint. When I say 'terrorist' I mean a real threats to America and not just those with differing opinions on certain government policies. Especially war as sometimes these can simply be based on false information and this covert policy, formerly called COINTELPRO, is the antithesis of everything American.

There exists nothing more painful than reading international press articles essentially spinning America as the new Nazi empire and this characterization could not be more false for 99.999% of the population. Frankly, those groups in America that appear to have similar leanings, much of the time, have been organized by those that do not even live anywhere near America.

How else would they have been able to cast us as the next 'World Enemy' had they not funded, and many times under duress, projects or policies that allow us to be so cast? (ie. Now that we've been bled dry of most of our remaining wealth and have only an aging population as 'assets'.)

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