Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Moto real friend or flipped to foe?

Ida was a customer since about 1996 and as the daughter in law of the local police chief and county supervisor, it seemed like if the politics did reach up to Watsonville, she could and would fill them in on how I behaved while working closely with and for her at Pacific Bell. For example the consulting firm that was employing me attempted to milk the heck out of them and I offered my resignation when this became clear. This blatant corruption was not run up any flag poles, the firm was just informed that their approach to the project was not my style and the firm did back off. The project ended well, a promotion to team lead was received by me and everyone seemed happy; I was called back on several occasions. However, there were several incidences with her supplying codeine for our headaches there in that office and then later with databases going missing, according to her, and last but not least sourness on the front.

When I look back at the memories of the events that transpired, it now looks a lot different than it did while she was appearing to 'help' me. She initially offered a contract for additional software work that could have been performed on my own basis and needs; the potential value of this was $40K and this did not include another web site she had dangled as a carrot.

What was also strange was the child and elder abuse that was being used as bait to get me to move in. Darwin had told Ida that if she did not cooperate in letting them have something I cannot recall, they would take the kids and she would never see them again. They were extorting money, cars, and tried to takeover the master bedroom. Ida had also said that Nathan had been speaking of getting thrown by Darwin for discipline reasons; all three had signs of abuse and severe neglect. What was strange was some of it was witnessed by family and nothing even said; this at a minimum happened with Mark when Nathan had asked his mother for some food and she just walked away, went upstairs and ignored his needs. The messages to him as to his value to her just killed me and I knew this was some of the least of the neglect. 'Dinner and Lunch' consisted of boxes of crackers being left within reach and the kids feeding themselves on whatever they could find; this was supplemented with sugary breakfast foods and they would not eat anything that was not half sugar.

They were all three great kids with Mia holding off a bit being the shy one. Nathan and I were good friends from the very beginning; he was sort of the son I never had and had a severe temper that consisted of throwing things when he did not get his way. Within just a few months of proper attention, with a few timeouts, this had changed into his being actually patient and reasonable kid. He had a talent with a pencil and what appeared to be the same ADHD with which I was blessed; when he hyper-focused he could come up with some incredible art work. They all had symptoms of abuse with Jenna being showing depressive symptoms and also being sick the first two months I was there without being taken to the doctor. By the time the appointment was actually made she had gotten well on her own; it was nearing three months. Kelly seemed like a different person that the sweet and coy girl I had met at Pacific Bell; she had just turned mean to her mom, very rude to me and incredibly mean to the kids. Within a week of the new baby being born; without a single sign of either of them liking kids they now had also a new born. One evening Ida and I were in the master bedroom and I notice the baby crying like there was something very wrong. We both get up and go into the hallway bathroom and find Kelly giving the new baby a bath in COLD water and simple ignoring his screams. It appeared she was making the assumption that I would go running away from a household with a screaming baby, but when I saw what she was capable of it had the exact opposite affect; it glued me to those kids. I spoke to a couple of friends about what was happening, but could not bring myself to calling CPS due to the corruption I had just witnessed. As a direct result there are three kids in danger that I still and always will love; by the time it was all said and done I had bonded with all three. (Even Mia, one day when I was going outside to have a cigarette, came running up, grabbed my hand and said, "Hey Mr. Anderson you almost forgot me!" She was told NO, you have to wait until I get back, but it was very endearing to know that I'd finally 'made the grade'. Another time we were standing outside and I was watering the bushes. She asked if she could help and when I said yes and handed her the hose it got away from her and she got wet. When she looked up she saw her mother standing there and said, "Look what Mr. Anderson did to me!" I cracked up laughing along with Kelly, until I realized what had really happened. Mia was very afraid that she was going to get in serious trouble for getting a little water on her cloths.

It now appears her job may have been to get me to buy the house and to provide a broker that could make it all happen, regardless of my financial capabilities. I now believe the broker her brother provided that would 'give me the family' discount, but then did not seem to have any worries at having taken advantage of this new 'family member' as per the second opinion that was offered by the broker that Sugidono provided. Ida's tactics on getting me to buy the house were to go over and over what a mistake it was for her to sell her former house when she bought her current house. I also believe it may have been setup as a fraud loan as the income amount did not match my annual income and appeared to include the rental income; this was brought up to the title person handling the loan, but the loan agent was not reachable and did not show up for the signing of the docs. This event of her lying to me was particularly strange as one previously 'nice' and encouraging brother had suddenly started being rude to me as if I'd done something wrong even though his friend was caught lying to me in writing and this was forwarded to him; Ida told me he was 'two faced' and this was just like him.

The initial interest, never before mentioned, of Ida going gambling was unusual and complete with her giving me $100 bills in her attempt to get me into gambling. The couple of times this was allowed it was returned and I now wonder if it was an attempt to get me into gambling and perhaps debt, as once the gambling interest did not take off the interest with them seemed to wain. Also, Tom's incredible luck on the $5 slot machines was a very strong attractant, but I was too cheap with my own and unable to spend Ida's money. One thing that was certain and that was the pain and pills that was endured and required to get my bathroom completed did not bother Ida as there were many hints that she wanted me to then do her floors and bathrooms. When I had managed to cut my pain patches in half she also could not care less. She was also angry at my not being able to help with her grand kids as much as I normally would as they happened to be there during the period I was tittering down 50%. For the period of a month or two thereafter this caused extreme pain, even walking and I compensated by staying off my feet.

Helping with Funeral: Mark made it a point to mention how many armed people there would be there to me; also make a point of saying 'he had friends to help with his tile work'. Asked me to come over to help with network access when system worked just fine. Pointed this out to Ida that it seemed very odd; she made her usual excuse.
Besides the questionable loan there was another earlier incident that opened my eyes to something going on with Ida. This incident was when she had offered to help me clean up my bedroom and I noticed a box of receipts that resulted from the time of doing much work to my house disappeared from the top of my grandmothers table which was in plain sight; ironically at the time when they were noticed gone, I thought, "How nice of her to organized them for me." A month or so after she was asked about them and claimed to know nothing about what I was speaking. The several instances of her apparent memory problems were beginning to look questionable as I knew she was the one that had put them away.

  • Receipts from house during clean up day;
  • Corningware the week after using one pan;
  • Three laptops and one VCR 'going bad' while there
  • Motor home: Stereo, furnace, heater, hot water, paint.

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