Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Every group has someone

Who seems to make your biz their biz; we had one move into our neighborhood about the same time the targeting seemed to start. The curious 'coincidence' was that she worked for a company that liked to sport 'Red, White and Blue' for their corporate colors at the same time were literally assisting in the crashing of the American economy by offshoring their engineering workforce.

To me it seemed like BofA was the 'trial baloon' and that if a 'Red, White and Blue' company can get away with it then it's free game for the entire corporate world.

She, having no partner decided to get inseminated and had a pair of twins; she also had them learning to speak Chinese, which I thought was, well unique anyway. (As it turns out very forward thinking for late 1990s. Who'd have thought China would soon all but own the US at that point in time? Perhaps banksters that were about to collapse their economy via offshoring their local workforce as was done in Rome with Slaves?)

Anyway, back to the 'neighbor': According to her, Courtney had forgotten an engagement for babysitting and had told her she expected Courtney to work for free to make up the mistake. Courtney thought it was a bit presumptuous and I agreed; needless to say the baby sitting never happened again; at least with her.

Then at some later stage, I'm upstairs getting ready to take my afternoon shower and hear her voice at the front door where Jordan had answered. Before I know it Liz is walking up the stairs saying something and as I see her reach the top she puts down her baby. She's now entered into the top floor of my house and rather limited in what I can do due to my lack of atire.

To this I say, "What are you doing in my house?" She says, "I wanted to see your new windows." I said, "Well I'm not dressed." She says, "I did not know that." It's my distinct recollection that perhaps I should get a sign to put up when I'm about to take a shower, but with the bug that had been placed in our home and her 'coindidental' reacting thereto via the anchoring, I'm fairly sure she had access to this information and a lot more.

The former client that had likely initiated the 'Designed Coincidences' did have Wells Fargo as a customer, but did they also have BofA? I'll likely never know, but the odds of this skank being involved are above 90%.

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