Monday, August 10, 2009

Messages to the Girls

--- On Mon, 8/24/09, tim wrote:

From: tim
Subject: fw: Voice morphing needs to be studied
To: "Jordan" , "court"
Cc: "Wendy Hughes"
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 5:00 PM

Jordan, Courtney,   (IF you could please forward this to LindasDogHouse it would be appreciated; thanks)

  The email below I just received and although it's a little late it's another way this voice spoofing could have happened; it's ironic that my cousin Rich believes me on the spoofing done to him in my name, but my own daughters do not when I've been closer to you than I ever was to Rich.  There's also technology to erase memories that's available to anyone with money that's being used. 

Mema, Mom and Wendy ALL have had memories  'vanish' but I attributed it to medical and/or age except for Wendy, as the technology was unknown to me until recently. (We've all had medical procedures, like a colonoscopy, where we were awake, yet have no memory; there are many that  are aware of this technology, but it's not on TV.)

This is another way to have done the spoofed calls; all I know is I did not make them and if you spoke to people that worked with me they'd tell you "Tim was too honest" not the opposite as I had a reputation as being a very straight shooter."

Also I recall, years ago,  Linda saying Mema got calls from me saying bad things about her that I also did not make;  at the time I wrongly ASSUMED someone was lying which was out of character for her.

What Linda failed to recall, or even know perhaps, was after I got back she told mom she and I NEVER discussed Pepa's guns that I took. and I was very angry over what I THOUGHT was her lying to mom.

I was so hurt she and I did not talk again until my surgery and she called; there are now several ways that Mema could not have lied and that's a relief because it was odd of her to have done so.

Her motto was, "I hate liars and thieves.", and thought it odd that she turned into one late in life; now I do not have to beieve that.   This is a very VERY good thing, except I now feel like a fool for not talking to her and assuming she was lying, wasting the rest of her life in anger and hurt about something that was wrong. (Our news sucks for not telling us about all this tech!)

Regardless of the deep pain felt when Mema told Jimmy that I had stolen from her, I still loved
Mema and would have done NOTHING to hurt the relationship between Linda and her. Linda
was all she had and I'd have had to be completely heartless to deliberately hurt that relationship.

 (However I was so hurt about what she told mom I could not speak to her; she said some very mean things to me when I was there over her anger from what Linda did tell her. "Tim said you were ignorant." (Which I did say but did not mean "Ignorant FOOL", I meant ignorant as in does not know; Mema was very very smart and this also was said to Linda.)

The context of me saying that, which is often time left out for effect, was Linda told me Mema refused to use the air filter Wendy had purchased for Mema and Pepa that Pepa needed due to his oxygen. Mema said, "We have never needed an air filter and we sure do not need one now." To this I said, "Mema and her vast ignorance."

With love,


-------------EMAIL ON ANOTHER SPOOFING TECHNIQUE---------------------------------------------

--- On Sun, 8/23/09, Cal wrote:


From: Cal Subject: [reality101_ redux] Voice morphing needs to be studied
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 2:42 PM

I think voice morphing was used on me on 08/07/09 when my great g'daughter was being born. I called my youngest in Phoenix to ask her to go to the hospital and be w/my g'daughter. (She proceeded to get very angry over something I said and I couldn't figure it out. It was insane and I ended up hanging up on her as she was very very angry with me and for the life of me I cannot understand?? ?????)

http://www.911lies. org/cell_ calls_911_ faked_voice_ morphing. html

They were fake! These voices were the result of the technological wonder called voice morphing in which the sound of anybody's voice can be duplicated in real time. If the full range of the subject's voice has been recorded, which usually can happen in a 10 minute phone conversation, and then fed into the computer software, anybody speaking the subject's language can very convincingly sound like the subject person on the phone to his or her family, friends, coworkers, etc. etc.. In practical terms, problems with voice morphing will arise when gaps in the impersonator' s knowledge become apparent to his or her interlocutor.

From: Tim
To: Jordan
Subject: Anxiety
Date: Aug 26, 2009 5:00 PMJordan, Courtney, (IF you could please forward this to LindasDogHouse it would be appreciated; thanks)

Here's the EFT technique that really works as it uses your bodies meridians. (Chinese pressure points.)
Memorize these points and use them during the day, should you allow some jerk
to get in your head. (Sometimes it can be difficult as there are lots of professional jerks
that have been trained at being psychos since childhood; ie. they cannot help it.)

Meditation for just 5-10 minutes a day too helps a lot. Both of these are good;
the following has two tactics using the heart chakra. (Forget the guy and just
focus on what he says. You are what you think and can do whatever you believe you can do.
You can do it and in fact ONLY you can do it....

From: tim
To: Jordan , court
Cc: Wendy Hughes
Subject: fw: Voice morphing needs to be studied
Date: Aug 24, 2009 5:00 PMJordan, Courtney, (IF you could please forward this to LindasDogHouse it would be appreciated; thanks)

The email below I just received and although it's a little late it's another way this voice spoofing could have happened; it's ironic that my cousin Rich believes me on the spoofing done to him in my name, but my own daughters do not when I've been closer to you than I ever was to Rich. There's also technology to erase memories that's available to anyone with money that's being used.

Mema, Mom and Wendy ALL have had memories 'vanish' but I attributed it to medical and/or age except for Wendy, as the technology was unknown to me until recently. (We've all had medical procedures, like a colonoscopy, where we were awake, yet have no memory; there are many that are aware of this technology, but it's not on TV.)

This is another way to have done the spoofed calls; all I know is I did not make them and if you spoke to people that worked with me they'd tell you "Tim was too honest" not the opposite as I had a reputation as being a very straight shooter."

Also I recall, years ago, Linda saying Mema got calls from me saying bad things about her that I also did not make; at the time I wrongly ASSUMED someone was lying which was out of character for her.

What Linda failed to recall, or even know perhaps, was after I got back she told mom she and I NEVER discussed Pepa's guns that I took. and I was very angry over what I THOUGHT was her lying to mom.

I was so hurt she and I did not talk again until my surgery and she called; there are now several ways that Mema could not have lied and that's a relief because it was odd of her to have done so.

Her motto was, "I hate liars and thieves.", and thought it odd that she turned into one late in life; now I do not have to beieve that. This is a very VERY good thing, except I now feel like a fool for not talking to her and assuming she was lying, wasting the rest of her life in anger and hurt about something that was wrong. (Our news sucks for not telling us about all this tech!)

Regardless of the deep pain felt when Mema told Jimmy that I had stolen from her, I still loved
Mema and would have done NOTHING to hurt the relationship between Linda and her. Linda
was all she had and I'd have had to be completely heartless to deliberately hurt that relationship.

(However I was so hurt about what she told mom I could not speak to her; she said some very mean things to me when I was there over her anger from what Linda did tell her. "Tim said you were ignorant." (Which I did say but did not mean "Ignorant FOOL", I meant ignorant as in does not know; Mema was very very smart and this also was said to Linda.)

The context of me saying that, which is often time left out for effect, was Linda told me Mema refused to use the air filter Wendy had purchased for Mema and Pepa that Pepa needed due to his oxygen. Mema said, "We have never needed an air filter and we sure do not need one now." To this I said, "Mema and her vast ignorance."

With love,


-------------EMAIL ON ANOTHER SPOOFING TECHNIQUE----------------------------------

--- On Sun, 8/23/09, Cal wrote:


From: Cal Subject: [reality101_ redux] Voice morphing needs to be studied
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 2:42 PM

I think voice morphing was used on me on 08/07/09 when my great g'daughter was being born. I called my youngest in Phoenix to ask her to go to the hospital and be w/my g'daughter. (She proceeded to get very angry over something I said and I couldn't figure it out. It was insane and I ended up hanging up on her as she was very very angry with me and for the life of me I cannot understand?? ?????)

http://www.911lies. org/cell_ calls_911_ faked_voice_ morphing. html

They were fake! These voices were the result of the technological wonder called voice morphing in which the sound of anybody's voice can be duplicated in real time. If the full range of the subject's voice has been recorded, which usually can happen in a 10 minute phone conversation, and then fed into the computer software, anybody speaking the subject's language can very convincingly sound like the subject person on the phone to his or her family, friends, coworkers, etc. etc.. In practical terms, problems with voice morphing will arise when gaps in the impersonator' s knowledge become apparent to his or her interlocutor.

Truth at best is only a partially told story

Never Underesteimate the Power to Change Yourself
Never Overestimate the Power to Change Others

"Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it." - Henry David Thoreau

IAM the Future
& I will make a Change
To: Jordan
Subject: ps Sorry if I've said this but
Date: Aug 18, 2009 1:56 AM1) It was never ME about which I was worried, it was you and Court
2) It was ONLY your mom that ever said "He thinks everyone's out to get him."
Anyone that says otherwise is either mistaken or lying, I never said that once, as Uncle Hugh told me what 'IT' is and I still have hopes to fix it.

3) The only difference in behaviors between someone that's paranoid/schiz and a 'Targeted Individual' is the former has it in their head; the symptoms are the similar. (But there are some sick people that think they're 'TIs' and it's very frustrating as they hurt those of us that are targets.)
To: Jordan
Subject: was the date of harassment not missing from my bill?
Date: Aug 18, 2009 1:34 AM

Technically, I could have deleted it from the HTML file if I was the dishonest type;
if it confirmed what I said I'd be happy to give you my password to allow you to
check for yourself.

I LOVE you and would never do anything to hurt you. THINK about it and also
how supporting your mom was to me personally. You know I've been reading psychology for decades and also recall how mad you were when Niki did this.
Ask "Why would he want to make me mad after we just had a decent talk?" (And you let me know about mom being in the hospital.)

Soooo much as been twisted all to heck, there's barely a speck of truth in anything you've been led to believe. (Honey this was the stuff that was to be part of your, as you called it, "learning experience", when I wanted to pull you from Los Lomas, right away, and mom would not go along.) Some people twist the truth around to the point it becomes a blatant lie, but not your dad.

love you,
To: Jordan
Subject: I love you and would only do things towards that end
Date: Aug 10, 2009 6:17 PM

Dearest Jordan,

You've always been my special child, although I know you're no longer a child, but to get to help you as much as I was able to do was quite special; you made me feel so needed due to needing me more than Courtney and you responded SOOO well.

You're such a hard worker and have such a good heart. I know you were led to believe it was me that was doing the stepping on your freedoms, but that was my feeble attempt to protect you from these so-called "fake friends" you needed to learn about. (Or so you thought.)

You were right to a point, but it was still very difficult to stand back and allow them free reign. Another part of that lesson was to take what they say or feel with a "grain of salt" as they are so jealous of your good nature that's been bread out of them. Where are they now? It's not really their fault, but the fault of their parents, but the damage they can inflict on unknowing innocents is just as bad.

However, like you said, "It will be a learning experience for me." and what that means is to NOT GIVE WHAT THEY SAY OR DO ANY VALUE. You're MOUNTAINS above them; they're mere prostitutes being pimped by their own parents and should be pitied. You, on the other hand, are a treasure hiding inside that sometimes outer shyness, waiting to be discovered; more than a mere diamond a complete treasure.

With all my love,


ps. Nothing has changed in me except what you've been told or lead to believe; in reality I'm the same person you always protected. I wish you knew psychology well and all this would be crystal clear; people do not change inside; people do not suddenly turn mean; they're either mean to begin with or not.

Hello there! I'm sorry this is so long, but it's very important and I hope and pray that you will make it through.

One thing that never occurred to me is to how it likely made mom feel about my (perhaps over) reactions to the book 'Reviving Ophelia, Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls'.

How anyone with girls that's read the following book could not attempt to interject the pearls into their daughter's lives could not have been thinking clearly. )

But I ask you to question were moms ill feelings about my wanting the best for Jordan, in those critical years, or was is about about how that and other information was twisted into fodder for gossip?

Some might feel bad at not being able to set her straight on these following absolute truths before she departed, but on the contrary, she now knows the full truth. She's also in much better hands than she was of late on this earth. If I'd known earlier how this was twisted around it would have been clarified with her face to face, and pointed out how the influences we all have in our lives, by those that we choose to have around us, can sometimes be quite destructive to the more important relationships. Especially if they, for whatever reason, seek to demonize, wreak havoc, or have hurt feelings and/or ulterior motives and use them to further harm our most important relationships.

It certainly is a fact of psychology that a child that is split from a very close parent, regardless of any brainwashing, whether figurative or literal is destined for anxiety and serious troubles.

It's also a well known fact that a kid that's had poisons interjected that conflict with that which they know at a very deep level, due to having experienced them their entire life, is going to have trouble.

Emotional poisons were a regular part of our lives for over 15 years, just at differing levels and using differing entrance points.

The social poisons within our community of friends started being interjected into our lives as early as Courtney's last year at Palmer. This by the teacher that announced to the class there was a missing article and then later announced it had been found in Courtney's locker. She tried to make it look like Courtney had stolen some article, but was then stupid enough to put it into her own cubby locker. These random acts of poison continued throughout both your public school experiences and deeper into our family and continued through the last months of mom's life. These poisons first effected each of us as individuals within our circles of friends; even at my place of work. Then tore at the essence of the most important entity to every person, every country and to our very planet: the family unit.

The these rancid poisons and their effects continue to this very day and they're no more true about me than they were about my girls. It baffles me to no end how those that lived with or knew me for decades could believe them, but little by little their inner feelings were overridden with outward appearances indicating otherwise. (As I told the WCPD when it was believed they thought I'd broken some state law, I'm still willing to take a brain fingerprint to prove, beyond all doubt, these are ALL just social poisons.)

Frankly I'm a little surprised that some of you cannot step back and see the overall picture of the poisons just within the family. This is likely due to having only the pieces of your individual portions of the very poisonous 'pie'. The overall picture, at the personal level with our network of friends, to the family level, is quite consistent; these poisons remaining within the family are the remnants.

These poisons of gossip first tore at our network of friends in the community and at the schools via the 'whisper network', they then tore at our relationships with each other. Gossip was passed directly within the family via overheard conversations and negative assumptions made about them; sometimes this was accidental and other times it was not, but was the result of hurt feelings or plain old survival instincts, if not greed. Sometimes this information was affected by the current hurts, feelings of betrayal or erroneous feelings about that person, these emotions can take a fact and turn it into a tale. With each step gossip takes it's affected by our feelings about the subject thereof; it takes on a completely new life of its own. If the targets of the gossip, or their children, can be lured into a social faux pas, people that in their hearts know the person best start to question whether they were wrong.

This gossip was more recently was passed indirectly via secondary family members on some ancient skeletons of half truth. Previously, poisons were attempted to be interjected via minor car 'accidents' on the part of what some call “fake friends” with family vehicles. Gossip passed directly through our network of friends via misstatements or 'misquotes' in school newspapers. Gossip material was manufactured by teachers hinting through meta-communications that my kids were cheaters and thieves; I knew better, and this did not affect what I knew to be the truth. Further gossip material was setup through 'photo' shoots where the target was first put into a bathing suit and then switched into a winter pose. Then it was just a matter of coaching, via a teens natural desire to want to be a model, to 'just' show the top of the bathing suit via “It's only a bathing suit!”. This, naturally was left off the byline, and the image, but I knew better; I know my kids better than anyone.

I believe the reason for the blindness is that there are few that know the overall picture; in fact there's only one. Some due to the anxiety believing otherwise would cause, some because “it's negative” and don't want to know negative information; these types chose ignorance, but still retained their opinions, feelings and judgments.

However, I am sure you all know the destructive nature of gossip and how an innocent truth can take on the life of monstrous deeds if the gossiper has ill feelings or even ulterior motives. How you not seen the experiment with five people lined up and then the first person is told a story? Each person, without these features of ill feelings or motives, in line is told a story and at after the last person is told the story they final version is repeated out loud and compared to the first. The difference was quite shocking, but when you add to the “line of people” hurt feelings, anger, greed or ill motives the information is twisted beyond any resemblance of the actual truth. I will never forget when Jordan had witnessed 'respected' peers modeling gossip for her. She said, “I thought it was what you were supposed to do.” She then said, “But when I did it I got in trouble!” (ie. With her peer 'friends'.)

The book above was a large part of what made me want mom to take you to museums, parks, zoos, buy books and encourage you to enrich your brain; to have incredible conversations like we used to have that resulted in deep thoughts I'll never forget like: “It must be hard to be a tree!” Oh really why? “You have to be so still.” These moments are the treasures that we all have with our kids. Besides providing a context for a deeper relationship, I felt those other activities like shopping or being 'made pretty', that are dominant in our culture, said, via meta-communications, my kids were not good enough just the way they were and also encouraged materialism. As you were being blasted by those images from numerous other media sources it did not unreasonable, at the time, to request that mom do otherwise with her granddaughter and as soon as she agreed appointments to do these things were made. (Whether these were followed through with are another story as I believe mom was being encouraged to do things that could further cause rifts, like ignoring what we wanted for our kid and do what she thought was 'fun', enriching or sweet.:) Are relationships built on gifting and material things well founded? The best relationships in my life were built on spending time together doing nothing but walking in a forest, camping, sitting and talking about what we saw, nature, the stars, fond memories or whatever came up. You know those special people that require no activity, no entertainment to enjoy their company.

Of course knowing what I now know now ever minute you could have spent with mom would have been important, but how was I to know she'd get a tumor and be referred to three 'malpracticing' doctors in a row?

It should not have astonished me to learn how all this was twisted and taken out of context into such propaganda as "Shopping is bad for you" or having your hair or nails done "is bad for you" or that "mom was a bad influence". However, have no doubt Wally's long term, usually subtle, jabs of disrespect towards her and me, the twisting of truths and internal fire-fanning was what hurt our relationship. This went on for most of their relationship and in tandem with the most difficult time of my life. Is it true that “a lie if told often enough and for long enough eventually becomes the truth?” (That and whatever was causing her memories to disappear and completely fabricated information to appear in their place; the latter often caused her to react with piercing hurts.)

Another issue I recall was our decision to have two separate birthday celebrations to have a peaceful birthday minus expectations: our immediate family and then the greater family. This was after the very uncomfortable public scene and expectations made during the birthday dinners for Court and Wendy at Scots. We had those celebrations to have good quality and peaceful time with family. To further stir the pot, Wally pointed out to mom that he once picked up Chinese food that including my friend Gladys. Gladys was mom's friend and yet she actually repeated his words to me. She was already very ill or something to not recall this. During Court's graduation party Wally had mom make the comment that “we just stopped by to eat.” Wendy's words that “Wally's an ass” was a gross understatement; he'd been stirring the pot of trouble for well over ten years and he was affecting mom's behavior by spoon feeding her anger. IMHO, his forcing mom to watch over and over scenes of people being cut, shot or maimed on TV, via their TIVO was abuse; mom said they were so traumatizing she had to close her eyes. She said for “him it was like a roller coaster ride”; a sort of high watching people get hurt. What type of person gets a high off of this sort of human to human horror?

One of the first big slams to mom was the time was at Wendy's party when I asked him where his better half was. He responded 'Who? Bear?' and said nothing when I walked away. Then later he told Wendy and mom he was “just kidding”; this is a well used boilerplate corporate political game, coincidentally I'm sure.

Your aunt Wendy called me once and asked, "Is it true you're part of a group that wants to overthrow the government?" This is exactly, word for word, what was asked. After I stopped laughing she was asked where that came from; she said mom told her. How could mom alone have interpreted that from my being involved in an activist group attempting to literally stop the legislation that would do the opposite? (Another irony is when I told mom that this “offshoring/non-immigrant visa” issue was going to crash our economy, that it had been done before and always seems to happen in capitalism, mom's response was that she's not going to live to see it; my response was that she would. I certainly wish she had been wrong. The activist group to which I belonged was trying to stop the economic mistake made by the Roman Patriarchs in their economy. Do you, Jordan, recall your hard work during your 6th grade summer, prepping for 7th grade social studies? This was where we learned together when the Patriarchs of Rome were coached into replacing their local workforce with too many slaves from the conquests; it crashed their economy. Ironically, America has still not done anything to reverse this same "mistake" called “Offshoring”. However, it was 1998 when Clinton signed the so-called "American Competitiveness Act" that accelerated this rerun of the Roman “mistake”.

All these sayings attributed to me, each and every one, are twisted, if not fabricated versions some with a hint truth. They were also pulled completely out of context for the purposes of creating trouble. What other explanation could there be? Just like the one leveraging the normal behavior of a jealous dog, by standing in "my space", was twisted into her "Teaching her dog to pee on just my foot." This is jealous dog behavior 101: get too close to their master, or visa-versa in this case, and they'll "mark you". Wally and Dana then walked over to the gate and Wally loudly said, “Heck let's give him some more water.” But what was the purpose of the twisting and why could no one, apparently, see this and all the other numerous 'jokes'? Like mom niche in her 'lovers' main priorities which as mom put it were 1) His Money, 2) His kids, 3) His Dog, 4) His 'love'

What is embarrassing is it did not even occur to me, in my tunnel vision that mom was in one of these types of businesses for most of her life; a prior life, but still a huge part thereof. She never could talk to me about these feelings which is unfortunate as I do know she too would have wanted whatever was best for you both and the theme of this book is undeniably true. Her ill feelings were, at one point before she was sick, strongly felt, but I stupidly let my hurt feelings as a result of her words get in the way of communications and better relations. This is a very common mistake in my side of the family and this was poorly modeled by me. I hope you can learn from our mistakes and if feathers get ruffled let them first settle down, try to look at the issue through the eyes of the other person and then discuss the issue to iron out the feelings. Frequently, you'll find the cause of discontent is something being heard that was not even said, but assumed on the part of the listener; this will not keep them from insisting on the fact you said what you know you did not. When this was happening with Courtney I put a tape recorder down and when it happened again it was played back. If I recall correctly she was surprised; this was a great learning experience for me, and I'd learned that people sometimes innocently hear things that are not being said. Being a programmer make you a careful listener, sometimes too careful as most others are unaware of the ambiguous nature of verbal communications and software designers listen to what's said not what might be implied.

Instead of acting on mom's feelings I reacted with pain, but said nothing, and then suddenly once she was sick those feelings in her vanished. Just like with Mema, the reasons were never known of until long past the amount of time she could have been expected to recall.

Too often we can just react and in our hurt feelings don't ask questions that would allow detection of whats called 'spin-doctoring' of information. I too made that huge mistake when, almost a full year later, it was learned that Mema was to have said that "I stole from her". Even though mom said she denied using the word 'stole', I believed Jimmy and offered to take every item back. This was almost a full year after the deed had occurred. I was shocked and deeply hurt that Mema, Linda and Gary, could have thought me capable of such things, but after her having told me of her neighbor stealing her toothpaste, this was attributed to her very real paranoia. However, I did end up with a box of stuff that included pellets for their sewer system; that box did have stuff that was not intended to take.

Naturally, I had no way of knowing our time on this earth with her would be so limited and knowing what I know today there would have been a full conversation with her so she did fully understood it was not about her. It WAS, at times, about influences that she'd been raised with that were not within her control, never personal at all, but much more the bad influences that she was being coached into.
To: Jordan
Subject: Oh my gosh!
Date: May 9, 2009 8:14 PMI think a clown you might like:

Do you recall the time when you saw Mema taking out her teeth and then tried pulling on yours saying, "Mine don't come out!"
To: Jordan , court
Subject: you're BOTH indigo children
Date: May 7, 2009 4:23 PM

To: court , Jordan
Subject: Ladies please help me understand
Date: Apr 21, 2009 1:08 PM

Dear Jordan and Courtney,
I've done nothing but love you, ever since you were both born, to the best of my ability. I was the best father and made some mistakes, but nothing that should cause this.

What do you feel I did to deserve this? If you got any negative calls it was NOT from me, even though it may have been in my voice. Anyone can do this these days. (I did leave a msg about asking you to deduce from the circumstantial evidence alone with Jordan and you disconnect instead?)

Just tried to call to say I love you Courtney and if you've gotten some other calls, negative in nature, I SWEAR it was not me.

Of course I love you both very much; you take care!

Officer Decoite said you did not receive any calls late last year with my telephone number and I believe this is incorrect based on what you said below. Your being able to prove it.) Attached is hard proof that our phone line was cut and spliced. The wires were also on top of the insulation we paid to have blown into the attic giving further hard proof.

Would you *please*, take the time to send me your phone bill(s) with the call or calls? It was not me regardless of what it looked like on the phone number/ caller id and this IS A CRIME. It's a felony in fact and a report needs to be made. There's a lot more to this than you have been told or need to know. (It's happening across the country to make people mad at each other and it happened again with my cousin in MARCH. This must stop, but if I do not hear about it I cannot catch the people doing it.)

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth"

Do you not recall this happening to your phone number with Micheal?
(He said the same thing, "Jordan said she did not call late at night, but it was her phone number." He thought you were lying, just like I think you believe I'm lying and I'm not.)

Any monkey in a zoo knows it only hurts and angers the kid to tell them bad things about their parent(s) either directly or indirectly through their family or friends. It was not me and based on what I believe the timing of this last one was, I thought you'd be able to figure this was not me. (We were all in mourning and you had just had another serious anxiety problem and so I chose this time to further hurt you?) Why would I hurt the ones I love? I would NOT EVER.

I love you,

-----Original Message-----
>From: jordan anderson
>Sent: May 29, 2009 11:49 AM
>To: Wendy Hughes ,,
>Cc: courtney anderson
>Subject: RE: What made you think that Jordan got a call?
>A man once told me, "always tell the truth!" and so when the police called asking me if I have received any calls or messages that were strange or threatening I told her no I haven't, because that's the TRUTH! Maybe you should check your "source" before you start falsely accusing people! I would give you a copy of my phone records to prove this to you...if I cared! Its NOT worth my time and it shouldn't be worth yours either, but we all know that you do what you want. Its unfortunate that you have this notion that people are out to get you and dedicated to ruining your life, I cant imagine what that must be like...

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