Friday, August 21, 2009

The Mayan Calendar according to Ian Xel Lungold

I've always had a fascination for the Egyptians and the Mayans. These two presentations on the latter, to the degree the theories are true, are quite illuminating as to just how special these people and their predecessors, probably the Olmecs, were. The second presentation, by Maurice Cotterell, strongly suggests their brains were somehow more evolved than ours. Perhaps this apparently deliberate 'dumbing down' process, that any researcher soon sees, has been worse than we realize and has affected our ability to mentally manage images.

These theories on the Mayan calendar are the most intriguing I've heard and most had the ring of truth. Part 2 of Ian's very long presentation is here and his site MayanMajix too has a wealth of information. When you look at the physiotypes of the Mayans depicted on his main page, do you too see OLMEC features and perhaps the traditional Jewish nose? What about the 'Mayan' hair styles?

Could this be where it all started? Could the images of the white slaves depicted in the presentation by African studies professor Jose Piementa Bey presentation, be a product of these people? Could the creation of a white slave class be the sin against G-d that triggered what was essentially a historical 'changing places'? Anyone that says this is impossible is not thinking.

There are a dozen sources of this video now on youtube and the person that opened my eyes to some incredible Black history was called "Brothahaneef". Several of the videos on his site were stirring, to say the least, and even though a reply to my several requests was not forthcoming, I will be forever greatful to this person for making these videos available. Information that rang true not only in my head, but also in my gut; many so-called 'mysteries' were closed the day his site was found. Especially the mysteries of the Olmecs and their likely contributions to our culture.

It's a very long presentation, but if you fast forward to 43:10 on the first video above and just watch that portion it's amazingly logical and informative as to the depth; I'd never heard of the 'Rosetta' stone for the Mayan calendar itself. I'd bet money this data came from the Olmecs; just like basketball and other items for which the Mayans got credit. (Someone sure gave the Olmecs credit with those amazing statues, and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that not only are the majority of these theories true, but that the bulk was inherited from the Olmecs.)

I just love this guy; he does not have the academic background that many do, but was a great presenter and definitely had a heart. Even if some of what he's presenting is incorrect there can be no doubt he believed what he was saying.

If the source of the translations of the Mayan language is the same source as the 'End of Times' portions of the Christian Bible, then the possibility does exist of this being one of the oldest money making cons in history. Who makes the most money from a 'the end is near' con? Could it be the church? (We've had a couple of these in our life time, most have ZERO, but we had two within ten years.)

Naturally, I've no way of knowing for sure, but this sure rang true and the correlation with the other Asian system really was incredible. (Time wave zero.)

Could the Mayan art correlations from Cotterell's theory, and Ian's amazingly detailed evolution maps of planet earth be true or "NO WAY"? One thing cannot be denied we, the whites, did steal a lot from these people and they, at a minimum, inherited from the Olmecs. (We 'stole' because we do not give them credit for anything other than being a bunch of brown people making clay bowls. The lack of apparent Olmec references in the Mayan glyphs hints they too may have forgotten to give proper credit, but make no mistake the proposition that the pyramids are just a 'mystery' is just plain silly. These people were brilliant and could do things with their brains that we still cannot; perhaps naturally due to having a pure environment and an ideographic language as with the Chinese. IMHO, another major dumbing down came with the creation of languages that were phonetic instead of ideographic limiting the development of our brains when young. Then, much later worst of all English, which may have, by design, stepped on some Spiritual needs.

Here is a taste of the work of Maurice Cottrell, and engineer that studied the Mayan art from an out of the box perspective. In other words without all the sometimes baggage from what we think we know; there are many times when the obvious escapes us when we're standing on the shoulders of someone who made a basic mistake. This man's work is worthy of a separate page so here I'll just give a taste of what he discovered; it's amazing and the implications are some capabilities that Mayan brain had that we no longer possess. (They had no clear plastic to help to see these images; they viewed, and composed these composite images in their heads.)

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