Sunday, July 19, 2009

Email, Voice and Text Message Spoofs

Just as a matter of dumb luck my sister was asked a question and I learned why my daughters had not been calling and Jordan had changed her number. The latter had been receiving periodic telephone messages, in my voice, with background on her mom; assuming it was recorded it must have been recorded during the divorce. In March of this year my cousin had received multiple text messages that manifested to me as "Stop" and "Don't" messages one fairly soon after the other on my screen as I was reading email.

As I happen to be on my computer at the time, I responded immediately, "Are you trying to confuse me?" When I then called and said I was clueless as to what he was speaking of, he was livid and said, "Don't you f__k with me you so and so", and with a few other more colorful threats that shall go unrepeated at this time; he too had a very colorful language skills

It took a month or so, but it appears he now believes me, but my baby seems to not believe me and this is very frustrating; the timing was just after her mom had helped me though a difficult time with my mom's passing and another disaster had happened in Jordan's life. It suddenly occurred to me that this nemesis had finally made a mistake. That, due to the timing, no one would believe I'd pile onto my daughter at this terrible time. Guess I'm getting 'stupider' in my old age as even with physical photographic evidence of tampering with the phone wires in my attic this turned out to be wrong!

It was shocking especially since the biggest issue between my sister and me has been her lying over the years to protect herself and the opposite had never transpired, I do not believe, on even a single occasion. On one occasion, in a very difficult circumstance, where several non-truths or 'forgotten' key facts had transpired, it was suggested that I tape record a conversation with Wendy and my mom; with which I agreed and did in fact do.

Several months later Wendy sprung the very difficult question on me and the truth was forthcoming. I've always given her a hard time when she had been unable to cough up the truth in a far less threatening situations and in fact this was the single largest issue with our failure to become close. She used to say, "You make me lie!". Meaning by asking her questions about which she was unable to tell the truth. I became so conditioned to this fact, that it became an assumption, when there was motive that she had in fact lied and personally cannot recall a single incident where this feeling was wrong.

Even during my recent divorce when I wanted to open her eyes to something, she told me "I do not speak to her about you and I do not want to speak to you about her." She claimed to wish to remain neutral in a nasty divorce where my ex suddenly started acting like her best friend; this after decades of complaining about her in various ways. My fear was that due to my sisters extreme naivete, that my ex was likely using her for something. Within a month or two my lovely sis, had heard me make a complaint about something Viki and done and she said, "Well then why are you still having sex with her?" I had to laugh, because that's kind of personal information for someone remaining 'neutral' to have. On the other hand she pointed out that women do the same things when they've been mistreated is various ways and this was a big eyeopener to me; due to my disability I had become dependent and far too tolerant.

In any case it was very upsetting to learn that my kid was still being harassed and I decided to report the action to the police. A letter was sent to the Clayton PD explaining the situation to the police was sent and a female officer was requested. It was explained, in detail, that my phone had been bugged and that someone had spoofed my voice. Someone at Clayton PD, perhaps Decoit, designed part of the questioning thusly to Jordan, "Have you received weird or threatening messages on the telephone?" In other words the question was designed to allow a negative response and then a complaint to internal affairs was written complaining of this obvious fact. It's disturbing to finally see this harassment is deeply dependent on the local police departments. Who else would make the calls to the hotels or other private businesses to allow harassments that happens in these other venues?

Is this a Freemason thing or a Federal thing?

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